Henry Gewanter

1238 days ago

Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer MBE Vs Henry Gewanter: that court order in full and has she paid as ordered?

Well here it is folks, the court order in the case of Julie Meyer MBE vs heroic PR man Henry Gewanter. As tends to be the way in matters of money, Ms Lingerie on Expenses is the defendant. You will note what the court says about the behaviour of Ms Meyer, the quantum of costs, interests and damages awarded against her and also that the deadline was paying was 8 December. Has she paid? Oddly no. Leopards do not change their spots and there is more chance of Jeremy Corbyn converting to Judaism and asking to join the Israeli Army than there is of Julie actually obeying the court. Enjoy.


1255 days ago

Breaking: Henry Gewanter thrashes Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer in Court

After almost three years, heroic PR man Henry Gewanter finally had his day in Court with Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer. And it was a triumph. Praise the Lord! Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!


1265 days ago

BREAKING: Julie Meyer vs Henry Gewanter – Ms Lingerie on Expenses tries to evade Courtroom justice with Covid stunt

It is all too predictable. The efforts of Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer MBE to avoid paying her bills are truly superhuman as 31 out of pocket firms of lawyers and many others will testify. And thus we come to the case of heroic PR man Henry Gewanter vs Ms. Lingerie on Expenses. Our hero Henry wants to get paid for work done almost three years ago.


1969 days ago

Kerboom: Julie Meyer leaves another solicitor unpaid - damning court documents published

Oh dear, Oh dear. At the start of this year Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE and her Ariadne Group of ponzis had unpaid bills with Nineteen serperate law firms. Then she hired Shakespeare Martineau to battle brave Henry Gewanter and others. Guess what?  Shakespeare Martineau has filed court documents explianing why it is no longer acting for this wretched woman and they are damning. I publish them in full below. Meyer's new lawyers are a small firm called Cunningtons LLP. I do hope it is not spending all the sums they are invoicing for just yet! The court filing speaks for itself... 


2015 days ago

Exclusive: Julie Meyer vs Henry Gewanter: when you tell enough lies eventually you confuse even yourself!

You may remember that PR man Henry Gewanter has taken Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer to court over unpaid bills. On 2nd August Gewanter won his case because Ms Meyer simply failed to file a defence. But now using the firm of Shakespeare Martineau, her 19th lawyers, most of the other 18 having failed to receive payment, Ms Sex Toys on expenses has struck back in her own, typically mendacious, way….


2126 days ago

Julie Meyer & Ariadne Industries – Court papers filed by Henry Gewanter today

Perhaps, when you are on the run from the Maltese Police, being investigated by the SFO, FCA, MFSA and ActionFraud and be chased over unpaid sums dating back, in some cases more than a decade, by 3 banks, the IRS, HMRC, Maltese tax authorities and two folks with CCJs, another Court case is the least of your worries. But for Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer that new Court case came a step closer today. PR legend Henry Gewanter has filed papers.


2131 days ago

Julie Meyer spotted in London as Henry Gewanter steps up action with claim against Ariane Industries

With the Maltese Police desperate to locate Julie Meyer MBE as she avoids criminal charges, with the SFO, MFSA and FCA running enquiries not to mention investigations by the tax authorities into evasion in the US, UK and Malta you could have forgiven Ms Lingerie on Expenses for going to ground. But she has been spotted in London. Quck – if you are one of the many to whom she owes money and want to serve her hurry down to the Royal Institution, Mayfair, W1S 4BS. Meyer has been spotted! Meanwhile...


2153 days ago

And today’s bad news for Julie Meyer – Henry Gewanter has instructed counsel

Her company was struck off as authorised by the FCA on Friday. As you can see HERE. Yesterday I published the most damning of emails yet about Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer HERE. I am afraid, as she praises the good Lord with her fellow devout Christians at Holy Trinity Brompton this morning, I have more bad news.


2168 days ago

Winnileaks strikes again: Did Julie Meyer act in bad faith against PR guru Henry Gewanter - 168,000 Euro contract with French agency emerges

In early February 2018 PR guru Henry Gewanter was still spinning for Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE, having been hired on 23 January, telling journalists that she was misunderstood and the victim of malicious gossip. Henry learned the ghastly truth in due course and is now suing her for his outstanding fees. But did Ms Meyer ever have any intention of paying? Winnileaks has new documents, marked strictly private and confidential, which we have published in full and passed to Gewanter to assist him in his battle for justice.


2170 days ago

Julie Meyer MBE Odd One out contest - the correct answer is...

ScotttheScott was almost there but not quite. Yesterday I asked you to suggest which of the four figures below was the odd one out: former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, devout Christian Julie Meyer MBE, divine actress Jennifer Aniston and shamed ex Sefton Boss JimmlyLiar Ellerton. I am shocked that Henry Gewanter who, heroically, ensured that MPs expenses were leaked and who used to act for Praise The Lord failed to get the right answer. That answer is:


2182 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Arian rewards failure & why is disgraced Trew still on the Pathfinder board

I start by looking at Gewanter vs devout Christian Julie Meyer - please back heroic Henry HERE. Then I cover Arian Silver (AGQ), Pathfinder Minerals (PFP) and its disgraced CEO Nick Trew, Avanti Communications (AVN), Sprue Aegis (SPRP), Capita (CPI), BT (BT), Communisis (CMS) and Frontera Resources (FRR)


2183 days ago

Julie Meyer faces ANOTHER Court battle as Henry Gewanter demands his rightful pay - Letter in Post

At least the devout Christian, who fled Maltese police to avoid facing criminal charges, is only set to face PR maestro and whistleblower Henry Gewanter in a civil court. Like oh so many before him poor Henry has not been paid by Julie Meyer and so I have stepped in to assist.


2184 days ago

BREAKING: Oh Dear, another legal case set to be launched next week against Julie Meyer

Seemingly not content with three lawsuits and sets of criminal charges against her in Malta, Julie Meyer can now expect a fourth to add to Henry Gewanter's case against her in the UK.


2192 days ago

Exclusive: And Now Julie Meyer's ex PR man Henry Gewanter says she has not paid him a cent

Noting yesterday that Julie Meyer MBE had hired a new high powered lawyer (to replace the half dozen or more to whom her companies owe money for unpaid bills) I wondered why ace PR spinner Henry Gewanter did not have his name on the release. Henry has answered with a post on the article. It reads:
